North Carolina Leadership Academy
By TFT Philly Participant, Jeremiah Brown
When Coach Rebecca asked if I would like to attend The First Tee of Coastal Carolina’s Carolina Leadership Academy, I was eager to spend a week at a golf facility with my friends. I knew it would be an amazing experience and a fun trip. It was a personal challenge, considering it was to be technology-free and with a lot of people I didn’t know. This trip was my first week away from home, and in another state. This was a learning experience to help me practice and grow in confidence.
While we were there, I learned more about the 9 core values, communication, and effort. The confidence I learned from the academy has significantly helped me in my first year of high school. It showed me respect with the point system, and the activities we did with one another. I learned responsibility when we were at the boardwalk, beach, and aquarium. This trip gave me the freedom to exercise the values and represent The First Tee.
This trip strongly impacted my life. This adventure has equipped me with values to be successful in high school. I am currently a freshman starter on the varsity golf team, and I can apply these abilities to my game and life. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and adventure.