Where are they now?
Kaitlyn Magno
- Age: 22
- Hometown: Delran, New Jersey
- High School: Our Lady of Victory
- Current College: St. Joseph’s University
- Major: Business Administration
- How did you first get involved in The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia?
- In May of 2012, my brothers asked me to accompany them as they went to golf class. They were involved in The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia for several years prior to me joining.
- How did The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia help you grow as a person?
[caption id="attachment_1279" align="alignright" width="300"] Kait (left) at the 2017 Leaders and Achievers Gala[/caption]
The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia has helped me grow as a person in multiple ways. When I was younger, I learned the concept of making a mistake and trying again until I succeed. l learned this concept from golf and applied it to everyday life experiences. With this being said, I use this mentality in everything I do. I believe that my strong sense of work ethic was derived from learning to fail, fail, and try again until I succeed.
[caption id="attachment_1279" align="alignright" width="300"] Kait (left) at the 2017 Leaders and Achievers Gala[/caption]
- What was your favorite memory as a First Tee participant?
I have a lot of favorite memories as a First Tee participant. One of them is the first time I participated in the Ace Club Event in 2013. I thought the whole event was extremely fun. I got to make many memories with my friends while also playing in the tournament. The whole day was a memorable experience.
- As a new student in your second semester at St. Joesph's University in Philadelphia, PA what has been your biggest adjustment to college life and living in the dorms?
The biggest adjustment I would have to say is being away from home. Moving into and being in a new environment is not always easy. Of the Nine Core Values, the one that is most relevant to my adjustment to living on college instead of living at home would have to be Judgment. The reason why judgment is relevant is because while handling two jobs, having a full class load, and trying to maintain a social life, I am limited to allocating time to all three things. My sense of judgment has become more alert and mature. For example, there are times when I want to be social and I have exams coming up, instead of being social I decide to make the right decision and study to ensure I ace my exams.
- As you stated above, your most used Nine Core Value so far in college has been Judgement. What is your favorite Nine Core Value and how do you use it in your everyday life?
My favorite Nine Core Value is Perseverance. I use perseverance as a tool to push myself the extra mile whether it’s getting all my homework done before it’s due, working a shift at work with elegance and poise, and always trying to have a positive attitude no matter what situation I am in.
- What has been your favorite activity, hobby, or place on campus at St. Joesph's?
My favorite hobby is working out at Hagan arena. I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by working out, eating healthy, and having a set sleep schedule. By having a healthy lifestyle, I find that I am less stressed, able to focus in school, and perform in my job at my fullest potential. Working out at Hagan has introduced me to friends who feel the same way and also helped me become better at managing my school work in an efficient manner.
- After you graduate from SJU, what do you see yourself accomplishing/ pursing a career in?
- After I graduate from Saint Joseph’s I see myself working on the PGA tours or working as a consultant in a popular sports brand like Nike or Adidas. The reason why I can see myself doing this is because through the jobs I have had since my days in high school, I have acquired very good sale techniques and by having an interest in golf and fashion I can see myself excelling in both of these industries.
- For the people who don't know, you have many brothers and sisters that are either still in our programs or have gone through our programming. Can you explain how The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia has helped your siblings and what it has done for your family?
- The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia has helped my family by providing a professional structure and a wonderful bonding experience. The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia program teaches children the importance of being able to listen and take in criticism. By being humble and listening to your superiors, you will advance and attain more skills and knowledge. The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia has also helped my family bond and grow together since we have all been and are still in the program. A couple of examples of how The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia has help my family bond are the daily trips to golf classes, my younger siblings growing up and watching their older siblings play, and now myself watching my younger siblings play. The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia has given my siblings and I many wonderful opportunities along with amazing memories. Such as: Being able to watch PGA and LPGA tours, participate in multiple tournaments with other chapters, and sending us to many different events/camps to represent our chapter. These are just a few examples of how The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia has given our family the opportunity to make so many incredible memories that my family and I will cherish forever.
- Magno Family Members in The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia:
- Alumni: Michael, Kait. Current: Andrew, Isabella, Gabby, Nia. Future: Gianna, Dominic